Hi, everybody!
This is my last post on the blog...I can't believe it! Times flies!
The second semester seemed to be shorter than the first one...Maybe because I had a lot of fun!
Well, I'm supposed to speak about my personal experience of the Skype exchange we did during this semester. Well...I really liked it!
At the beginning of the second semester I decided to take part in the Skype exchange because I realized that I needed to improve my listening and, above all, my oral skills. So, since this is my last semester at university, I had to take advantage of this opportunity. Anyway, I must admit that I was a little frightened at the beginning. But in the end, it was not bad at all! I really enjoyed it! I had two American peers: one during the first part of the exchange and another for the wiki project. I was really lucky because they were both kind and very nice. We still keep in touch mainly by Skype and Facebook, and I think it’s great.
Well, what did I learn from this experience? Well, I must say that I didn’t notice an enormous cultural gap between me and the American girls. There are different costumes in some aspects but I never felt uncomfortable speaking with them because of cultural differences. Anyway, I realized that the Americans are more open-minded than the Italians. There was one particular thing that made me re-consider my culture: the problem of immigration. I was quite impressed when I realized that my American peers don't think about cultural differences in a negative way. Personally, I appreciate cultural differences because I think they can enrich you. But I know that most of the Italians don't think like that. We Italians still have a long way to go.
I really enjoyed the final project as well. The topic of our wiki page was a comparison between college life in Italy and at Dickison college. I knew many new things about their graduation ceremony or their students' parties. It gave the opportunity to reflect a lot on this issue. I think that their experience at university is very different from ours. And it’s much better. The live all together in a campus and can share the same experiences. I think that they are more independent at the end of their studies.
As regards my language learning, this experience helped me a lot to improve my English. I learnt a lot of new words and concepts, for example the word sorority. What's more, I can speaking English with less effort and I can easily understand native-language speakers.
Well, it was hard sometimes but I managed improving my English and having some fun as well. Now I need to keep up with the improvements! ;-)