This week there's no skype exchange because we're on Easter break. So we're supposed to do a different activity. We should reflect on our intercultural competence. In order to do that, we were supposed to fill out a test, called YOGA (Your Objectives, Guidelines and Assessment Form).
Let's speak about this form. Obviously I never heard about it before. It's a sort of self-evaluation guide which could help you to assess your intercultural objectives. It's divided into 4 level regarding different kinds of competences. I just filled out the first one, called "Educational Traveler". This was the only one that applied directly to my experience. I went to England in 2002 and stayed there a month, living in a family. It was my first time abroad and it was a great experience. Then to fill out the test I considered my experience as a foreign languages' student as well. I thought of my language competence in general but with an eye on English culture, which is the one I experienced directly.
In my opinion, the first benefit of using YOGA form is that it let me stop and reflect on my intercultural competence. We rarely have the opportunity to critically reflect on our competences and this form is a useful starting point to assess them. Aswering the questions, I found out some interesting things. I demonstrate awareness of differences across languages and cultures and my attitude towards other cultures is open and positive. I think I demonstrate flexibility in the interaction with people from other countries and I'm willing to learn from them.
I've always been an outgoing girl and I've never had problems in relating with people. It's a natural thing for me. This is the reason why I decided to study foreign languages...I wanted to relate with as much people as possible. At the time, I still had no idea of how complex was studying a foreign language. I mean, learning the grammar is only the bulk of the iceberg. During these years at university I gradually learned that if you REALLY want to LEARN a language, you NEED to "control" its culture. And this is a very long and complicated task. Even studying at university isn't enough. Filling out the test, I realized that I have a low competence in the knowledge of the essential norms and taboos of the host culture. This is a great difficulty for me...I'd really like to become a Cultural Mediator (and this is the work I'm studying for), but my question is: how could I be a good Mediator if I haven't a complete mastery of the foreign culture?! At university we study a lot of theoric concepts about the language, but nobody teached us the culture. I really believe that there should be Foreign Culture's courses as well. It's fundamental!
I really don't know what could I do now to fill this deficiency...Any idea?
Thanks! :-)
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