venerdì 18 aprile 2008

Italy from the world's point of view

[Photo from Google Images]

April, 13-14th , 2008. Political elections...Mr Berlusconi won for the third time. He has the power again. I'm not happy about that because I really don't like him. But this post is not about my political preferences.

I just want to yell out my bitterness. I'm really mistrustful and disappointed with Italian politics and above all with Italian people. There's so much arrogance, which goes arm in arm with a great ignorance. During this election campaign, I spoke with many people -both adults and young people- about politics. What struck me at most was not the personal political choice for one party or another, but rather the great lack of arguments to support that choice. Many use long-winded words, their reason are commonplaces and you understand that they just absorbed passively what the television told them. For example, do you remember what I said in my post about immigration? Well, I asked that question to a boy who voted for Lega Nord. I asked him:"Well, why did you vote for Lega?". Answer:"Because there're too many immigrants. They have to come back to their countries. In Italy there should be only Italian people". I couldn't resist asking him who is an immigrant and he obviously said that an immigrant is a Moldavian or a Rumanian man. "Well, and what about Spanish or American people living here?". He looked at me astonished and answered: "What? They're not immigrants at all!". Is it necessary to comment on this? I don't think so. I really fear for our future if Italian people think in this way.

I definitely believe that a person needs to be aware of the world he/she lives in. One should consider many points of view about a topic and then he can make his/her choice. This means being responsible citizens. This is the reason why I pray you all, my peers, to do that. We're the future of this country: we have to change this old-fashion, corrupted and lost country.

After the elections, I didn't read Italian newspapers deliberately. I read on-line international journals. Their point of view is uninvolved and objective: they're more reliable. So, do you want to know what the world think about us? Then read these interesting articles and start thinking consciously about our future:
The Financial Times
The Economist
El Mundo
The Times (the first Berlusconi's gaffe)
The Times (Berlusconi's profile)
The Times (Berlusconi's anatomy)

I'd like you let me know what you think about that! I'm looking forward to read your comments...


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